If it was possible to be a professional mosquito attracter, I’d lead the industry. But the job would have to be extremely lucrative to compensate for the never-ending itching, pain, and splotchy bruising I’d have to endure. For the past few years, my physical reaction to mosquito bites has elevated from a petty nuisance to outwardly embarrassingly, and I’ve pretty much suffered through all of those symptoms without earning a cent. Don’t worry, I’ll spare you the pictures on this one…just be sure to avoid looking at my legs once swampy July and August hit.
My initial reaction to mosquito bites is pretty normal, but then the bites swell up and turn red. The swelling goes down after a few days, but the color stays behind for weeks…and gets darker! The splotches look and feel like bruises, full of broken blood vessels. When I started having to apply concealer to my legs in the morning, I knew I needed a way to prevent myself from getting bitten in the first place. But I didn’t want to turn to traditional mosquito repellant that would poison Stella when she licked my legs (yes, I have to worry about these crazy things).
Then I found this plant-based bug spray made with lemon eucalyptus oil. It doesn’t have the worst smell (it’s unfortunately nothing like lemon or eucalyptus), but I always make sure to apply it once I’m outside so it doesn’t linger in my apartment. I also find that it does a really good job keeping the bugs away…as long as I remember to put it on! For those times when I don’t have access to the spray or just forget to use it and get some bites, I slather tea tree oil all over them for instant relief. Tea tree oil seems to fix everything, and it smells like a spa!
What methods do you use for repelling mosquitos or soothing bites?

This is so helpful. My husband has the same reaction you do and seems to attract them in about the same manner! He loves the outdoors but oh, how he suffers. And I stand next to him, bite-free feeling horribly guilty. I’m always trying to find something, anything that will work. Please, tell me where can I find this lemon eucalyptus oil?
I found it on amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/Repel-HG-406T-Eucalyptus-4-Ounce-Repellent/dp/B001DRJE1K/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1305601411&sr=8-2
I hope it helps him too!