I am not really sure what differentiates mandel bread from biscotti. This recipe doesn’t contain any dairy ingredients, so maybe mandel breads are biscotti that are more easily incorporated into a Kosher diet? Regardless of what you decide to call these cookies, they will be crisp and tasty. This recipe is from my grandmother, Mammy, and I can remember eating these cookies throughout most of my life. I brought them to a gathering recently, and someone said that they tasted … Continue reading
Tag Archives: biscotti
David took me to a chocolate cooking class a few years ago. We had fun getting chocolaty together, and we came away with a great biscotti recipe. But the class itself brought true meaning to the phrase, “too many cooks in the kitchen.” One woman tried to monopolize all of the cooking tasks, and it was obvious that she attended classes frequently because she had nothing else to do. I was also grossed out by how many people were touching the … Continue reading