Ginger Lemonade (with Vodka!)

Ginger Lemonade (with Vodka!)

This lemonade is summer in a glass. It’s so refreshing, it makes me want to dip my toes into the nearest pool and feel sun on my shoulders. Sip a sip, ahh. I loaded this lemonade with vodka for a “welcome back spring” party, and the alcohol was mostly undetectable- making it even more drinkable. Even if you omit the vodka for a tamer treat, this lemonade should be on your warm weather shortlist.

Ginger Lemonade (with Vodka!)

To make it, start by heating up a simple syrup. Add 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of water to a pot. Thinly slice up some fresh ginger, and add that to the pot as well. Bring the liquid to a simmer, and let all of the sugar dissolve until the liquid becomes clear. Remove the pot from the heat, and let the ginger continue to infuse the syrup as it cools. Meanwhile, squeeze some lemons. Making a balanced lemonade is all about the ratios, which can vary based on your affinity for sweetness vs. tartness. The golden ratios for this lemonade are: 1 part ginger syrup to 1.5 parts lemon juice to 4 parts water to 2 parts vodka.

Ginger Lemonade (with Vodka!)

I made about 10.5 cups of lemonade, and squeezed 12-15 lemons to get just shy of 2 cups of lemon juice. When the syrup cooled, I strained out the ginger and added all of the syrup, about 1.25 cups, to the lemon juice. I then added 5 cups of water and 2.5 cups of vodka. Once you’ve figured out your ratios, stir the lemonade, taste it, and adjust any of the ingredients. Serve it over lots of ice. This lemonade is so refreshing, that cute puppies and handsome dog walkers will come from near and far for it.

Shopping list:

  • Lemons
  • Sugar
  • Ginger
  • Vodka
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Ginger Lemonade (with Vodka!) — 4 Comments

  1. I’m going to start making this now if it would get this cute puppy and handsome dog walker to come visit!!!! Looks so refreshing. Not being able to taste the vodka could be dangerous around here!! 😉

    • My friend who threw the cocktail party is brewing some limoncello right now! I say, make both- you can skin the lemons for the limoncello and then juice them for the lemonade 🙂

  2. Pingback: Pomegranate Lemonade | Witty in the City

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