Harvest Cookie

I’ve been working on a harvest cookie for this entire year. After falling in love with the harvest cookies at Prêt à Manger and the ranger cookies from Nordstrom Café, I set out to make my own fully-loaded versions. For a while, though, all of my attempts were utter failures. Then, I signed up for that cookie science class in an attempt to figure things out. But before I could really experiment, life took a turn for the better when my friend … Continue reading

Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

As much as I love eating cookies, I’m not the best at baking them. I have a folder of photos on my computer of recipes that just weren’t worth sharing with you, and a decent portion of those show sad looking cookies. For some reason, my cookies never spread like they’re supposed to, regardless of the recipe I follow. To remedy this chronic shortcoming, I took a cooking class on the science behind making cookies, and I learned a whole … Continue reading

Cranberry Thumbprint Cookies

I know this sounds totally crazy, but I filled these thumbprint cookies with leftover curried cranberry sauce. I know it sounds insane to put something that has onions in it on a cookie. It’s madness. But the combination turned out to be really delicious. I crave these cookies. I can’t pass by the kitchen without snagging one. The mild sweetness of the cookie is pierced by the cranberry sauce’s tanginess, and the curry undertones add a welcome, interesting dimension of … Continue reading