I’m sorry it’s been a few days since my last post. We finally finished our move and have finally had our Internet service restored. All in all, it has been a very hectic few days, but things are getting back to normal now. Stella puppy has gotten used to the new apartment and has re-conquered her separation anxiety. She is no longer hanging out on the window sill waiting for our return or startling any passers by. My ridiculous moving/cleaning bruises are just starting to heal. I certainly renewed my childhood nickname, Hammerhead, this weekend.
This move has taught me that no matter how chaotic life may seem, there is always beauty and happiness to be found. I came home from work in the heat of the move, but instead of being overcome by towering boxes, I was struck by the beauty of our layered glasses waiting to find their homes. And, of course, spending time with David is always a pleasure- even if we’re just running backwards through Ikea, fighting against a sea of shoppers testing out desk chairs and sofas, looking for the perfect white cabinetry.

So very happy you’re back. I really missed your daily posts. Good luck in your new place.
mazel tov on the new apartment! the photo is gorgeous xoxo