Hi, friends. I’d like to draw your attention to a few features on the site that can enhance your experience with Witty in the City. Some are old, some are new, but all will help you navigate the site, find the posts you’re looking for, discover new content, and keep you entertained. I’ve also included some of my favorite pictures that I haven’t shared with you yet.
First up is the “random post” link in the sidebar. Click the link, and you’ll be directed to a random Witty in the City post. I love browsing through random posts because it’s an easy way to read posts I might not have seen in a while. I’ve also told myself that if I ever don’t know what I should make for dinner, I’ll click the link and cook whatever comes up (assuming it’s about food and not Stella Puppy). I have so many recipe ideas backed up, that I haven’t gotten to do this yet though. I think that is sad, but I can’t be sure.
Next up is a new feature on the site that scrolls through titles and pictures of some of my posts. You can find it at the bottom of the sidebar. It’s fun to watch the images go by. If you see one you like, just click on the picture to read more.
Also new are two pages I created that should make it easier to find Witty in the City recipes. Links to the pages are in the side bar. One page sorts recipes by their main ingredient, and another page sorts recipes by type (i.e., main course, snack, appetizer).
You can also follow me on Twitter @WittyintheCity. I hope you find these new features useful. I love getting to share happy times with you, and I appreciate the feedback you’ve given me. Thank you!