Witty in the City of Brotherly Love

Let’s take a 14 hour flight away from Japan so I can share my other news…Witty in the City is moving to Philadelphia! (Thank heavens I had the foresight to choose a generic-ish name for this website.) Tears have been shed, both happy and sad, about leaving DC– our home for the past 10 very transformative years. Our move is precipitated more by fate than by choice: David graduated from medical school (hooray!!) and was placed at a hospital in … Continue reading

Temples & Tatami: Nikko and Takayama

One of the best things about traveling in Japan is the extensive and efficient train system. We took one (usually more than one) almost every day. As a day trip from Tokyo, we travelled north to Nikko, a town with a huge and wooded temple complex designated as a world heritage site. It was in Nikko that we learned a very important lesson: all good things in Japan are uphill. Each impressive temple is either up an incline or flight … Continue reading

Taste of Tokyo

I’m baaack…from Japan! It was the most fantastic whirlwind. We visited 8 cities and walked an average of 10 miles a day gathering all the experiences we could manage. I am a very lucky girl. Something I read described Japan as a place where you can get out of your comfort zone without ever feeling uncomfortable. It is the perfect description because, although the culture and customs in Japan are very different, it abounds with modern conveniences (public bathrooms everywhere … Continue reading