Suspense and Intrigue

Lots of changes and exciting developments have been brewing here at Witty headquarters. Life has been a whirlwind that will keep on whirling for the next few weeks, so don’t expect any new content between now and then. But, I promise, when that new content arrives…you’ll be riveted! And so, I leave you with these photographic clues (and the faintest hope for a decent night’s rest). … Continue reading

The Power of Dogs, and Craft Kombucha

The best way to make a bunch of amazing friends is to get a dog. As soon as we got Stella, our social circle expanded in the most wonderful ways. The friends we met in the dog park that first summer have stuck with us ever since, to the point where I really need to stop calling them my dog park friends. Especially now that we spend most of our time together in other places, and usually without our dogs … Continue reading

Spicy Mexican Pasta

Mexican pasta sounds crazy, but it’s addictively delicious. It’s different than normal pasta, because the noodles are toasted before they’re cooked and then baked with a spicy chipotle sauce. The toasting keeps the noodles nutty and chewy, but still tender. The pleasant bite will keep you going back for…bite after bite. Top with queso fresco and share with friends. I doubled this recipe, but to make enough to serve 4-5 people, fill a skillet with 1/4 cup of canola oil, … Continue reading