Stella turned 3 a few days ago! As sweet and lovable as our girl is, she can get into some real mischief. We were hoping that the terrible twos would be over for good, but 3 hasn’t proven to be much better (she shredded her raincoat!). We still love her though, so we wanted to make her birthday special. We took a really fun walk to a green, hilly park, and Stella was able to run around with some new … Continue reading
Tag Archives: birthday
I’m sure I know what you’re thinking: NOT ANOTHER ICE CREAM! But another ice cream is here. I just can’t help myself. Ice cream is so fun to make and it’s so fun to eat. I love trying out new flavors, and each one is better than the last. I made this ice cream as a special request for my wonderful friend’s birthday (the friend who makes these!), and it is delicious. The chocolate ice cream is rich and delicious … Continue reading
Happy birthday, Stella! (We think). Stella will be spending her birthday at the toy store, picking out new things to tear into shreds and new treats to gobble. I can’t wait. There are so many reasons why I love this pup. She is the best cuddler. I love waking up with her curled under my arm. She is goofy. She likes to sit human-style. She does this on curbs, the arms of our sofas, and on my chest. She is … Continue reading