Happy birthday, Stella! (We think). Stella will be spending her birthday at the toy store, picking out new things to tear into shreds and new treats to gobble. I can’t wait. There are so many reasons why I love this pup. She is the best cuddler. I love waking up with her curled under my arm.
She is goofy. She likes to sit human-style. She does this on curbs, the arms of our sofas, and on my chest. She is a loon and is always causing some type of mischief that makes me laugh.
Stella likes to sleep almost as much as I do. I am so lucky to have gotten a dog that will sleep with me until noon. I even sing to her: “Me and you, we’re the sleepy girl crew!”
Stella is also really smart. I love teaching her new tricks and watching her figure things out.
But what I love about Stella the most is that she loves life. She is always so happy, and she really enjoys each day. It rubs off on me a little bit, and I like that…a lot.
Stella is even happy when she poses for emo pictures. Oh, and I like her toe hair. And ear hair. And knee hair. Happy birthday, pup!

Happy Birthday Stella!
Happy Happy Birthday Stella! We love you and can’t wait to see you and play with you soon!
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