Coffee Heath Bar Crunch Ice Cream

Ben and Jerry’s Coffee Heath Bar Crunch ice cream is one of my favorites. I can eat so much of it that the caffeine keeps me up at night. This imitation is delicious. The coffee flavor is slightly more subtle, but not in a bad way. Aside from that, the only difference is that I sit on the sofa eating it out of a plastic quart container instead of a paper Ben and Jerry’s pint container. Stella snagged a drop … Continue reading

Moistest Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bread

This pumpkin bread is so moist and delicious (and melty), we just can’t get enough of it. I’ve been dreaming of toasting a slice and spreading it with cream cheese. With a cup of tea, it would be the perfect way to start a crisp fall morning. I may have to alter my sleep schedule just to allow for such a luxury. David must love this cake too because every time I look, there is a little less of it. … Continue reading

Mammy’s Orange and Chocolate Chip Mandel Bread

I am not really sure what differentiates mandel bread from biscotti. This recipe doesn’t contain any dairy ingredients, so maybe mandel breads are biscotti that are more easily incorporated into a Kosher diet? Regardless of what you decide to call these cookies, they will be crisp and tasty. This recipe is from my grandmother, Mammy, and I can remember eating these cookies throughout most of my life. I brought them to a gathering recently, and someone said that they tasted … Continue reading