Infusing liquor is fun in more ways than one. It is so easy to do, and I like watching the crystal clear liquid slowly take on a vibrant hue. Strawberry-infused vodka is my favorite because it infuses pretty quickly, it is delicious on its own or mixed into cocktails, and everyone likes it! Now is not the time to let your imagination fail you- you can infuse just about anything! To make a strawberry infusion, pour your favorite vodka into … Continue reading
Tag Archives: drinking
I love drinking Starbucks’ iced passion teas. But on days when I don’t feel like going to Starbucks or if I feel like drinking more of it than they sell in a serving, I can make my own. It is very easy, and it rewards me with refreshing hydration. Starbucks makes their tea from Tazo’s passion tea bags, so just buy a box of those. Then, fill a pitcher with water and add a few of the tea bags to it. … Continue reading
David loves drinking iced coffee, so we found a great way to make it at home. But pouring hot coffee over ice or putting it in the fridge to cool never tastes the same as the iced coffee from places like Starbucks. I’ve had this same experience when making iced tea; cold-brewing the tea leaves always tastes the best. I never thought to use the same technique with coffee until I read this post on Smitten Kitchen. We’ve been making a batch … Continue reading