Sweet and Sour Balls

My mom’s sweet and sour meatballs have been around for a long time, but I never really liked them. Now that my aversion to ground meat has mostly subsided, I opened myself to the possibility of trying them again. And then David started expressing his desire for Swedish meatballs (which he last had at Ikea when we moved apartments a few years ago). And then I was talking to my mom and trying to come up with a slow-cooked, make-ahead … Continue reading

Apple Cake Muffins

Another way to use up some apples! I love a good Jewish apple cake, but my mom inspired me to make individual apple cake muffins after describing the ones she gets at a local deli. I fiddled with my apple cake recipe to end up with a muffin that is evenly flavored and not too eggy. This iteration is perfect for breakfast, dessert, or a mid-day pick-me-up. And did you check out my muffin top?! It’s a thing of glory! … Continue reading

Savory Noodle Kugel

Throughout my life, I have always looked forward to noodle kugel. I love the crunchy noodles that toast up on top. For many years, I would only eat the crunchy noodles, decimating the kugel for anyone else who cared to enjoy it. Now, I like the whole thing, but the crunchy noodles and the sweet onions are still my favorites. To make this kugel, dice 2 onions. Heat 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a pan, and fry the onions … Continue reading