Where have I been, people want to know. I’m flattered, really. I’ve been here all along, home on my computer, doing actual work. And when that work is done, the last thing I want to do is spend time at home on my computer doing leisure. Yes, I consider the website a leisure activity! I love it. The moral of this story is that I’m still trying to create a productive and fulfilling routine for myself here in Philadelphia, and … Continue reading
Tag Archives: salad
This is the perfect salad to make when you need a refreshing side dish but have a very sparse pantry. I was making crêpes complète (buckwheat crêpes filled with ham, gruyère, and a runny egg) and knew I would need a bright side salad, something with lemon, to cut through the richness. But I had no salad greens, and the only supermarkets within walking distance of my new home are grossly expensive. I always keep a package of carrots in … Continue reading
This thin and crispy chicken reminds me of an amped-up schnitzel: its perfectly golden crust is spiked with mustard, lemon, and oregano. The combination pairs wonderfully with a fennel salad tossed in dijon dressing, but the salad and chicken could each shine individually as well. I zeroed in on this recipe in the Smitten Kitchen cookbook after I was at a complete loss for cooking inspiration after a spate of Thai dishes. This recipe kicked me back into gear. After … Continue reading