David took me to a chocolate cooking class a few years ago. We had fun getting chocolaty together, and we came away with a great biscotti recipe. But the class itself brought true meaning to the phrase, “too many cooks in the kitchen.” One woman tried to monopolize all of the cooking tasks, and it was obvious that she attended classes frequently because she had nothing else to do. I was also grossed out by how many people were touching the food. Other than those things, it was a great experience!
To make these biscotti in the comfort and cleanliness of your own home, first beat together 6 tablespoons of room temperature butter with 1 cup of sugar. One by one, beat in 3 eggs. Then, beat in 1.5 teaspoons of vanilla extract.
Dump 1 3/4 cups of flour, 1/3 cup of cocoa powder, and 2 teaspoons of baking powder into your bowl, and mix everything together. This recipe makes lighter biscotti, so if you like yours more dense, consider halving the baking powder. Stir in 8 ounces of chocolate chips (or however much you like) and any other ingredients you want. You might like almond pieces, walnuts, or white chocolate chips.
On a baking sheet lined with a silicone baking mat or parchment paper, shape the batter into 2 logs that measure approximately 11 by 2.5 inches. Make sure you leave enough space between the logs because they rise a little when they cook. Put the baking sheet in the fridge to chill for 30 minutes. While the batter is cooling down, heat your oven to 350°F. I like my biscotti to be even crispier than the oven can make them, so I keep them in the freezer for snacking 🙂
Bake the biscotti logs for 25 minutes. The tops should be dry and cracked when they are done. Let them cool for about 10 minutes so you can slice them easily. Lower your oven’s temperature to 300°F.
Once the logs are cool, remove them to a cutting board (NEVER cut on a silicone mat!). Slice them into 3/4-1 inch pieces. It might help to use a serrated knife for this, but it might not. I haven’t decided which knife is best. Place the biscotti slices back on the pan on their sides. Bake them for 10 minutes on each side, and then let them cool completely. They crisp up as they cool, so don’t worry if they seem soft. If you want them crispier after they’ve cooled, you can still put them back in the oven.
These biscotti are great to eat on their own or with a cup of tea or coffee. Ohh, or ice cream. I have a little bit of lemon-cardamom-ricotta gelato in my freezer that is begging to be scooped up!
This recipe is adapted from Sur La Table via Bon Appétit (April 2001).

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