Cherry and White Peach Crisp

Crisps are a wonderful dessert. The nutty, crunchy toppings are definitely my favorite part, and they’re perfect sprinkled over summer-ripe fruit. This cherry and white peach crisp is a great way to make any excess fruit you have taste even more delectable. Serve the crisp hot with a scoop of ice cream, and you have summer perfection on a plate. To make this crisp, preheat your oven to 375ºF. Cut up your fruit into half inch pieces. I used sweet, … Continue reading

Hairless Corn

I realize that titling this post, Hairless Corn, might be a little disturbing, but if you’ve ever eaten a piece of corn on the cob and gotten its silky strands stuck in your teeth, then you’ll forgive me. This corn-cooking method does a great job of getting all of the hairs off of your corn. The method has spread like wildfire through my family, so I thought I’d share it with you too. My grandmother recently got an iPad, and … Continue reading

The Perfect Panini

I never thought that I’d find the perfect paninis while I was living in Paris, but I did. My favorite place for paninis was MIA the last time I visited, but I found a way to recreate them at home. Solving the panini puzzle means enjoying delicious sandwiches any time I want. And once pesto came into the picture, I wanted. Tomato-mozzarella paninis are my absolute favorite, but you can use whatever fillings you like. Chicken is great too! Just … Continue reading