Why, oh why, oh why is film photography dying? I just can’t take it. It’s even going faster than newspapers. WHY?!?!?!?! For me, nothing in the world compares to a hand-developed black and white photograph that is full of grain and character. No amount of airbrushing could possibly make the subject of such a photo look any more beautiful. I’ll even settle for commercially developed prints, but those services are getting harder and harder to find. Many of the pharmacies and … Continue reading
Tag Archives: paris
Everything about tea is good for the soul. Brewing a cup of tea becomes therapeutic when you watch the fresh-smelling leaves and flowers unfurl their wisps of color into the hot water that envelops them. And all the care you put into brewing is repaid many times over as soon as your cup cools enough for the first sip to moisten your throat and warm you from the inside out. Exhale… now excuse me, I think my tea kettle is … Continue reading
If, like me, you get immense pleasure from food, then you do not want to get pine mouth. You especially do not want to get pine mouth if, like me, you’re headed to Paris and your entire to-do list consists of eating. Paninis and macarons and crêpes– Oh my! The night before my flight to Paris, I was half-way through a three-hour-long class on communications law when a craving for chocolate covered pretzels struck. I darted to the cafeteria’s bulk candy … Continue reading