Candied Chickpeas

As soon as I read about these candied chickpeas over at the Pastry Affair, I knew I had to make them. Snacks are right up my alley, especially sweet, toasty, crunchy ones. Sweet chickpeas might sound nutty to you (pun acknowledged but not intended), but they are so addictive. I had heard of toasting chickpeas before, but adding cinnamon and sweetness brings them to another level. Once these chickpeas cool down, they won’t survive for long because you will scarf … Continue reading

Chestnuts are Here!

It took a while for chestnuts to start appearing in stores this season, and boy was I getting antsy. I never got to take any chestnuts from the tree I found because they didn’t look good. My mom found some chestnuts at her farmers market and mailed them to me, and they were some of the best I’ve ever had. But I gobbled them up before I could take pictures of them. Here are some I bought at Trader Joe’s, … Continue reading

Toasted Pumpkin Seeds

One of my favorite parts about pumpkin carving (or cooking) is getting to toast the seeds. I love scooping seeds out of a pumpkin and rinsing them because they get so slimy!! It’s a fun activity to do with kids after carving a jack-o-lantern, and it’s fun for me to do by myself. I also love snacking on the finished product. After scooping your seeds out of the pumpkin (a grapefruit spoon helps a lot with this part), put them … Continue reading