Trader Joe’s has a lot of hidden gems, and these baby brie wheels are one of them. They come individually wrapped in a package of 6 or so. They are great for individual cheese servings because you never have to cut into a whole wedge of brie when you just want a little taste. And they have a very long expiration date, which is always fabulous.
I find small things to be generally cute, and this cheese is no exception. One of my other favorite things about this brie is that it has a very thin rind. I usually dislike brie rind because it is chewy, tasteless, and clumpy. This rind, however, spreads very easily and blends into the cheese itself.
My favorite way to eat this brie is with strawberries and a piece of toasted, crusty bread. First, toast a piece of bread and put the brie on top while the bread is still warm.
Use a knife to spread the whole wheel of brie over the bread. The tiny brie doesn’t put up much of a fight. It knows its destiny is to melt gloriously into the crevices of your warm bread.
To bring your snack into another world of deliciousness, slice up some ripe strawberries and layer them on. Yummm. Brie and strawberries go great together on their own. But add in some crunch and a temperature contrast between the strawberries and the bread and you have a real winner on your hands (and in your stomach). Happy snacking!