Taking pictures at night or in low-light conditions can be a real challenge, but you can also end up with some of the coolest images! Once the sun sets, get out there and experiment! I have a few tips that can help your pictures be more successful. First, whether you’re using a point and shoot or an SLR camera, forget the flash. Flashes don’t illuminate very far in low light conditions, and they’re too harsh for subjects that are up … Continue reading
Category Archives: Photography
I firmly believe that people are the most compelling photographic subjects. As much as I love taking pictures of flowers and interesting objects, nothing can communicate as much information as a human being. Each of these pictures tells you a whole lot about the person in it. And, at least according to my interpretation of each picture, the messages are pretty darn accurate. I can understand why some people believe photographs steal a part of the soul, because I definitely … Continue reading
You already know how much I love black and white film photography, but I really love shooting in color too. One good thing about color film is that it’s much easier to find local places that do in-house processing. Still, I’ve had some serious hits and misses with color film. My biggest miss happened when I forgot to take the yellow lens off of my camera after I switched from a black and white to a color roll. HUGE mistake…I … Continue reading