Beauty Amid Chaos

I’m sorry it’s been a few days since my last post. We finally finished our move and have finally had our Internet service restored. All in all, it has been a very hectic few days, but things are getting back to normal now. Stella puppy has gotten used to the new apartment and has re-conquered her separation anxiety. She is no longer hanging out on the window sill waiting for our return or startling any passers by. My ridiculous moving/cleaning bruises … Continue reading

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How Can Stella Stay Cool?

It is far too hot outside! Poor Stella puppy starts panting at the very start of her walks, and there is nothing we can do to help her short of a close shave. Especially because she doesn’t like to get wet! The picture above was taken after the first time she ever swam. She didn’t love it, and she started acting like a lunatic immediately after this picture was taken. She doesn’t even like getting washed in the bathtub. She … Continue reading

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Gnawing on Antlers

I’ve mentioned before that Stella puppy is a major chewer. One of her favorite things to chew on is a deer antler! She started off with bones and liked them fine, but antlers are much more satisfying for her. They are softer than bones, so she probably feels more productive when she wears them down. They also seem to smell good to her even though I can’t detect an odor on them (much better than bully sticks, and less disgusting!). … Continue reading

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