Best Iced Coffee

David loves drinking iced coffee, so we found a great way to make it at home. But pouring hot coffee over ice or putting it in the fridge to cool never tastes the same as the iced coffee from places like Starbucks. I’ve had this same experience when making iced tea; cold-brewing the tea leaves always tastes the best. I never thought to use the same technique with coffee until I read this post on Smitten Kitchen. We’ve been making a batch … Continue reading

Re-hydrate Me, Coconut Water!

What do you do when you turn in your last final for your second year of law school and drink one too many beers (and drop one too many hot wings on your pants and your boyfriend’s new shoe)? What do you do when your friends convince you to do yogalates, a class that focuses mostly on abs, for the first time in four years? What do you do when you’re out in the heat with your best puppy for … Continue reading

Walking Mosquito Bait

If it was possible to be a professional mosquito attracter, I’d lead the industry. But the job would have to be extremely lucrative to compensate for the never-ending itching, pain, and splotchy bruising I’d have to endure. For the past few years, my physical reaction to mosquito bites has elevated from a petty nuisance to outwardly embarrassingly, and I’ve pretty much suffered through all of those symptoms without earning a cent. Don’t worry, I’ll spare you the pictures on this … Continue reading