“It’s been four score and seven years, and I’ve never seen a foxier pair of legs!” I haven’t stopped laughing since we took this picture– throw your caption into the comments to keep the good times going! … Continue reading
Tag Archives: funny
2:30 PM Friday afternoon: I get a text message from David: Stella stepped in gum and it’s stuck in her toe hairs. Our amazing dog walker asked if he can use our almond butter to slather her paw and get it off. 5:50 AM Saturday morning: I roll over in bed. I open my eyes to peek at David. I stare into a pair of big, brown eyes. They’re not David’s. I gasp and jump back. Stella is curled up … Continue reading
My family sends group text messages in excess. The texting sessions spring up at any time, they can last forever, and the subject matter is never the same. As annoying as this mass communication can be, I love it. The other day, we had this gem: My youngest sister sent a picture of her dinner. It looks like a nice piece of salmon over cous cous with a sliced avocado. My mom responded: Yum. I’m so proud of how nicely … Continue reading