Spring is finally here, hooray! The flower pictured above was a magical flower and the first true sign that warmer weather was here to stay. The flower was magical because I’d never seen anything grow quite like it. I was walking Stella one morning when we stumbled upon a large scattering of these flowers, both purple and bright orange ones, sprouting straight up out of the grass in the shade of a towering tree. The flowers were very tiny, unattached … Continue reading
Everything about tea is good for the soul. Brewing a cup of tea becomes therapeutic when you watch the fresh-smelling leaves and flowers unfurl their wisps of color into the hot water that envelops them. And all the care you put into brewing is repaid many times over as soon as your cup cools enough for the first sip to moisten your throat and warm you from the inside out. Exhale… now excuse me, I think my tea kettle is … Continue reading
Note: You can watch these videos without the sound if you’re reading in public– they lose none of their comedic effect. On very rare occasions, when I’m really bored, I’ll blissfully tumble into YouTube’s black hole of video curiosities. I’ve watched hours and hours of kittens swimming, eyeshadow tutorials, talking dogs, and Maru. One of my most successful ventures into the videosphere, however, occurred when I discovered the surprisingly abundant supply of babies making sour pusses. It is 100% impossible … Continue reading