This dish taught me a valuable lesson: Always look in the mirror before venturing into public. I failed to do this. Four hours later, while still in public, I realized that I had a red sauce spot right on the center of my forehead. If someone had decided to lick it off of my face, they would have said, “Wow, that’s a delicious and spicy sauce. Where can I get more?” Well, weird stranger. You’re in the right place. I … Continue reading
Tag Archives: mexican
I have been craving black bean quesadillas for days, but Trader Joe’s has been perpetually out of all tortillas. It’s been torture! We finally managed to get some tortillas before the after work rush cleaned out TJ’s stock, so it was time to fulfill my craving. But the quesadillas ended up being so much better than I remembered that my new cravings will never be satisfied. I first had black bean quesadillas in Paris when my friend had us all … Continue reading