What do you do when you turn in your last final for your second year of law school and drink one too many beers (and drop one too many hot wings on your pants and your boyfriend’s new shoe)? What do you do when your friends convince you to do yogalates, a class that focuses mostly on abs, for the first time in four years? What do you do when you’re out in the heat with your best puppy for too long? DRINK COCONUT WATER! Not only does coconut water taste delicious, but it’s full of electrolytes and is incredibly hydrating.
Whenever I’m desperately in need of hydration, I turn right to coconut water. Instead of letting my best friend/roommate toss me a huge bottle of water that hits me in the face and gives me a black lip after drinking too many margaritas, I turn to trusty coconut water! It prevents me from waking up in the middle of the night feeling parched. I also turn to coconut water after exercising because it’s incredibly refreshing and re-hydrating. I’m not sure if it also helps with muscle soreness after a particularly strenuous workout, but I think it might. It’s also great to give to your little puppy after she’s been out in the sun too long. Just make sure she doesn’t carry it throughout your apartment, spilling it all the way, so she can drink it while being closer to you. That would be cute, but it would also give you a mess to clean up.
It seems like every store carries a different brand of coconut water, and they all taste differently. Don’t get discouraged if you buy one you don’t like because it will probably be different somewhere else. I bought a few bottles in Paris to remedy my excessive sangria drinking, but it tasted oddly like coconut scented body lotion. Not my favorite…shocker!
I also think coconut water tastes best when it’s served cold, over ice, in a glass. That may seem like it takes a little too much effort, but you should try it and see what I mean. It’s so much better than drinking out of the carton! Do you drink coconut water, and what’s your favorite hangover remedy?