Ribs for Your Pleasure!

I love RIBS! These baby backs are slow-steamed in the oven, brushed with an Asian BBQ sauce, and caramelized until they’re irresistible. We had to put straws in our water glasses because we couldn’t put the ribs down long enough to take a drink. Stella practically did back flips to get her paws on a morsel. What I’m trying to say is: make these for your next BBQ. I learned to cook ribs by steaming them in the oven, a … Continue reading

Susana’s Gazpacho

One of my wonderful friends, Liz, gave me the sweetest gift. She handmade a whimsical recipe book, and she included recipes from some of the people I love. One of the recipes was for this gazpacho, courtesy of my friend, Susana. Gazpacho is served cold, and it makes a nice treat during the summer. If you need a cute appetizer for a party, consider serving this gazpacho in shot glasses with a grilled shrimp balanced on each glass’ rim. This … Continue reading

The Farm Grows On, and a Crazy Cat

My parents’ farm garden has grown so much since my last visit just a few weeks ago. It is lush and bountiful, but the harvest is just beginning. Real broccoli is growing! If you cut the broccoli stalk out of the middle of the plant, a new one will grow! Or so I’m told. There are plenty of very sweet string beans too. They seem to appear overnight. The string beans are sweet and very crunchy. Perfect for a salad. … Continue reading