Crispy Chip Baked Potato

In honor of one of my good friends who is finally coming back to DC today, here is a recipe for her favorite food (and mine): potatoes! This potato is the closest you can get to eating chips for dinner and not feel bad about it. I love these potatoes because they are so fun to eat; I peel it apart and eat one layer at a time, enjoying both the creamy inside and crunchy, crispy outside. To make these potatoes, pre-heat … Continue reading

I’ll Never Let Go, Film Photography. I’ll Never Let Go.

Why, oh why, oh why is film photography dying? I just can’t take it. It’s even going faster than newspapers. WHY?!?!?!?! For me, nothing in the world compares to a hand-developed black and white photograph that is full of grain and character. No amount of airbrushing could possibly make the subject of such a photo look any more beautiful. I’ll even settle for commercially developed prints, but those services are getting harder and harder to find. Many of the pharmacies and … Continue reading

Sweet Potato Chips: A Unique and Healthy Dipper!

Earlier in the week, I emphasized how wonderful it is to snack on a delicate, crisp apple chip. Now meet her sturdier snack cousin, the sweet potato chip! These chips are made using the same method as apple chips with just a few tweaks. The biggest change is that I use my mandoline to slice them a little thicker. The thicker cut makes the sweet potatoes perfect for scooping dips, a unique and healthy alternative to tortilla or plantain chips. … Continue reading