How Can Stella Stay Cool?

It is far too hot outside! Poor Stella puppy starts panting at the very start of her walks, and there is nothing we can do to help her short of a close shave. Especially because she doesn’t like to get wet! The picture above was taken after the first time she ever swam. She didn’t love it, and she started acting like a lunatic immediately after this picture was taken. She doesn’t even like getting washed in the bathtub. She always looks so pathetically cute after it’s all over.

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But then, she came across the perfect summer oasis… a pile of ice, likely dumped from a soccer team’s cooler. She certainly had her way with it and brought a lot of joy to my day.

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Black Bean Quesadillas

I have been craving black bean quesadillas for days, but Trader Joe’s has been perpetually out of all tortillas. It’s been torture! We finally managed to get some tortillas before the after work rush cleaned out TJ’s stock, so it was time to fulfill my craving. But the quesadillas ended up being so much better than I remembered that my new cravings will never be satisfied.

I first had black bean quesadillas in Paris when my friend had us all over to her apartment and made some of the best ones ever. Good Mexican food and black beans were nearly impossible to find in Paris, so we were all really craving it after a few months. Between that, the tequila shots, and my friend’s techno-blasting neighbor, we had a very great night. And I can relive that glory (somewhat) with some flour tortillas, black beans, and mexican shredded cheese (plus some extras) right here in America.

Just pile all the ingredients onto a tortilla. Add some cheese first and last so it keeps the quesadilla stuck together, and fill the middle with anything you want. I used black beans, onions, hot sauce, and tomatoes (not pictured). Yum! Keep in mind that one can of black beans made two whole quesadillas, but they were very filling. Also make sure you don’t overstuff your quesadilla or else it will be really hard to flip later, even with a giant spatula; David learned this the hard way.

Put your quesadilla on an ungreased pan over medium heat until it browns and gets a little crispy. I used a grill pan because I like seeing the lines. Then flip it over carefully and toast it on the other side.

Once your quesadilla is fully cooked, cut it into triangles with a pizza wheel. These quesadillas are best served with some guacamole or salsa to add a little moisture and cut the saltiness of the beans and cheese. This meal really hits the spot because it’s so delicious, fun to make, and even more fun to eat!

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Things Heard Through Apartment Walls

David and I are getting ready to move apartments, assuming our future landlord ever gets the place into a habitable condition. In recognition of my reminiscing on the time spent in this apartment, I thought I’d share two of the best things I’ve heard through the walls and ceiling that I still haven’t stopped laughing at.

The first one came on a Sunday morning. I’m a late and heavy sleeper, but my upstairs neighbors still managed to wake me up with their morning delight. After the squeaking stopped, I heard a toilet flush. And then a man yelled, “Bring the toilet paper in for clean up!” Welcome to a building inhabited by a substantial percentage of college students.

The second ridiculous thing I heard through my wall came from a wreck of a girl who lived next door to me. Once, in the middle of the night, she drunkenly banged on the doors in my hallway asking people to call the police on her boyfriend who wouldn’t leave her alone. The boyfriend, however, was all too happy to get out of there. Still, that wasn’t the end of their relationship. When I was sitting on my sofa in the heat of finals studying, I got completely distracted by the neighbor arguing on the phone with her man. I gathered that he was in his early 30s and serious about getting married. She made it clear she wasn’t interested by screaming, “I’M ONLY 25. I’M NOT READY TO GET MARRIED! I STILL WANT TO GO TO HAPPY HOUR!!” Welcome to Washington, DC.

What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever heard through a wall? Please share, I’m such a yenta.

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