Re-hydrate Me, Coconut Water!

What do you do when you turn in your last final for your second year of law school and drink one too many beers (and drop one too many hot wings on your pants and your boyfriend’s new shoe)? What do you do when your friends convince you to do yogalates, a class that focuses mostly on abs, for the first time in four years? What do you do when you’re out in the heat with your best puppy for … Continue reading

Sweet Potato Chips: A Unique and Healthy Dipper!

Earlier in the week, I emphasized how wonderful it is to snack on a delicate, crisp apple chip. Now meet her sturdier snack cousin, the sweet potato chip! These chips are made using the same method as apple chips with just a few tweaks. The biggest change is that I use my mandoline to slice them a little thicker. The thicker cut makes the sweet potatoes perfect for scooping dips, a unique and healthy alternative to tortilla or plantain chips. … Continue reading

Apple Chips: Easy, Crunchy, Healthy, and Surprisingly Filling!

I love snacks, especially crunchy ones. Because I snack so much, it was a hallelujah moment when I finally mastered the apple chip- a satisfying, healthy, one-ingredient treat. Not a single drop of oil ever touches these chips! I have also made pear chips before, and I’m sure you can apply this technique to other fruits and vegetables with similar textures (stay tuned for sweet potato chips coming later this week). There are two pieces of equipment that are essential … Continue reading