Homemade Gnocchi

I have wanted to make my own gnocchi for a long time, but I was scared. It seemed like such a daunting and difficult task- especially after seeing Top Chef contestants have their gnocchi massacred by the judges. I couldn’t imagine that mine would be worth eating. Oh, was I wrong. It is definitely worth eating. It’s nothing like the hard gnocchi I’ve found in most restaurants. Instead, it’s melt-in-your mouth light. I think it’s the second best gnocchi I’ve ever had (second … Continue reading

Summer Minestrone Soup

I make variations of this soup for all seasons, and this one is perfect for summer. It’s light, healthy, and loaded with vegetables. The only problem is its name… I never know how to pronounce minestrone. Is it mine-strone or mine-stroney? Well, it’s delicious no matter what it’s called. And it’s also very flexible- you can make this soup a hundred different ways all depending on what ingredients you have available. The secret to making a great soup is to … Continue reading

Food for Me-Time

When I’m cooking for myself, I like to make things that are fast, don’t require a trip to the market, and delicious to their core. These aren’t dishes that I’d ever present to another person because they’re often ugly to look at and nutritionally imbalanced. But they sure do make me happy! I’ll present one to you just in case you want to indulge in some guilty goodness the next time you’re alone. My most recent slapped together but delicious … Continue reading