Stella the Country Dog

Stella would be so happy living in the country, a place where she could run through lush grass to her heart’s content. She would chew sticks in the shade with her snaggletooth. She would watch koi fish in the pond and occasionally paw at them or take a drink. She would leave the cutest little paw prints after running around in the sprinklers, trying to bite at streams of water. She would sniff at the sweet, flowery air from her … Continue reading

Get Crabby

This has been the summer of the crab. There has been hammering and cracking galore. My friend got a bushel of crabs to celebrate his birthday- my new birthday celebration of choice. We had everything you need for crabs: mallets, beer, good friends, and extra Old Bay. It turns out that a bushel of crabs is a feast. According to the Internet, a bushel can hold 5 to 7 dozen crabs. We we ready to dig in! We spread out … Continue reading

Summer Minestrone Soup

I make variations of this soup for all seasons, and this one is perfect for summer. It’s light, healthy, and loaded with vegetables. The only problem is its name… I never know how to pronounce minestrone. Is it mine-strone or mine-stroney? Well, it’s delicious no matter what it’s called. And it’s also very flexible- you can make this soup a hundred different ways all depending on what ingredients you have available. The secret to making a great soup is to … Continue reading